Unit Details for Summoner of the Magic Faction (GAE 0.3.2)


Choose faction:  Magic |   Tech

Summoner Summoner
Type:Combat Unit
Description: Can summon creatures to aid in battle. Slow and weak, has a powerful but energy consuming attack, against both ground and air units. Can be upgraded to Drake Rider.
Creation:Produced by Summoner Guild
Total Cost: Gold150 Energy1 
Maximum Hitpoints:500
Regeneration of Hitpoints:4
Maximum Energy Points:500
Regeneration Energy Points:5
Summoner is able to Produce:Daemon
Ghost Armor
Summoner is an Requirement for:Behemoth
Tower Of Souls
Wicker Behemoth
Needed to build Summoner:Summoner Guild
Move Command: Move Speed: 150
Morph Skill: Morph Morphing to: Drake RiderDrake Rider
Refund (Discount): 0 %
Morph Speed: 250
Attack Command: FlareFlare Target: land and air units
Strength: 170+-50
Range: 8
Splash-Radius: 1
Splash also damages own units!
Type: Energy
Attack Speed: 60
Start Time: 0.5
This Attack Skill is used on "Hold Position"

created by convert_faction_xml2html.pl version 0.2 alpha using config-file gae.ini on Tue Jan 25 14:52:22 2011
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