Unit Details for Archmage of the Magic Faction (GAE 0.3.2)


Choose faction:  Magic |   Tech

Archmage Archmage
Type:Combat Unit
Description: The ultimate mage combatant. Slow and weak but capable of extremely powerful splash attacks, against both ground and air units.
Creation:Morphing from Battlemage
Total Cost: Gold300 Energy2 
(Cost for Archmage = Gold 150 Energy 2 
 + cost for Battlemage = Gold150 
(Cost for Battlemage = Gold 75 
 + cost for Initiate = Gold75  ) )
Maximum Hitpoints:450
Regeneration of Hitpoints:5
Maximum Energy Points:3000
Regeneration Energy Points:30
Needed to build Archmage:Library
Archmage Tower
Move Command: Move Speed: 160
Attack Command: Ice NovaIce Nova Target: only land units
Strength: 280+-90
Range: 9
Splash-Radius: 3
Splash also damages own units!
Type: Energy
Attack Speed: 75
Start Time: 0.5
This Attack Skill is used on "Hold Position"
Attack Command: Static FireStatic Fire Target: land and air units
Strength: 700+-50
Range: 8
Splash-Radius: 4
Splash also damages own units!
Type: Energy
Attack Speed: 40
Start Time: 0.3
Level:Expert at 5 kills
Level:Master at 15 kills
Level:Legendary at 30 kills

created by convert_faction_xml2html.pl version 0.2 alpha using config-file gae.ini on Tue Jan 25 14:52:22 2011
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